Seasonal Docks

While the jurisdiction over the bed and shore of waterbodies in the County falls under the Province of Alberta, there are certain circumstances where the County has found it necessary and suitable to acquire formal disposition from the province to regulate shoreline use.

A private dock or mooring structure attached to a County Environmental or Municipal Reserve does not require written consent or approval from the County, provided it adheres to Policy 61.0.4 Seasonal Docks & Mooring Structure on County Managed Lands and Provincial Guidelines.

The County supports the installation of community docks or mooring structures within County Disposition Areas, provided it adheres to Policy 61.0.1 Seasonal Docks & Mooring Structure on Disposition Lands and Provincial Guidelines. Such installations are subject upon receiving annual authorization from the County.

Note: The storage of docks or other mooring structures is not permitted on County Managed Lands including Municipal Reserve, Environmental Reserve, Public Utility Lot, Road Allowances, etc.